Elon Musk on Friday said the purpose of his new artificial intelligence company, xAI, will be to “understand the universe.” In an often meandering 90-minute long Twitter Spaces audio chat, the billionaire discussed his vision for xAI for the first time while veering into topics such as the Earth’s evolution and the fragility of civilisation.
A US federal court on Thursday rejected the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) request that it order Microsoft to temporarily hold off on closing its $69 billion (roughly Rs. 5,65,480 crore) purchase of Call of Duty maker Activision Blizzard, a court filing showed. A federal judge had previously ruled for Microsoft on Tuesday, saying the agency
French space sector firm Promethee on Friday said it was exploring the possibility of placing its nanosatellites in orbit using the Vikram-series of launch vehicles being developed by Indian start-up Skyroot Aerospace.  Skyroot co-founder Pawan Kumar Chandana held discussions with Promethee President Olivier Piepsz on the sidelines of the official visit of Prime Minister Narendra
Foxconn is in talks with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and Japan’s TMH Group for technology and joint venture partnerships to start semiconductor fabrication units in India, the Economic Times reported on Friday. Meanwhile, the Gujarat government is holding talks with Foxconn over a semiconductor plant, a top government official told Reuters, days after the
China published measures on Thursday to manage its booming generative artificial intelligence (AI) industry, softening its tone from an earlier draft, and said regulators would seek to support development of the technology. The rules, set to take effect on August 15 and which Beijing described as “interim”, come after authorities signalled the end of their
Twitter has filed a lawsuit against four unnamed entities in Texas for data scraping, a local TV station said on Wednesday, explaining why the Elon Musk-owned social network had recently placed daily limits on the number of tweets a user could read. WFAA, an ABC-affiliated TV station, reported that the volume of automated sign-up requests