
WhatsApp added the voice call feature to its desktop app in 2021. Now, the social media platform is reportedly bringing more updates to the voice and video calling features on the web version. The Meta-owned instant messaging app is reportedly rolling out a ‘call back’ notification that will ensure that no missed call goes unnoticed.
A group of 17 music publishers sued Twitter in Nashville, Tennessee, federal court on Wednesday, accusing the company of enabling thousands of copyright violations by allowing users to post music without a license. Twitter drives user engagement with “countless infringing copies of musical compositions,” the lawsuit said. Members of the National Music Publishers’ Association, including
Instagram is the main platform used by paedophile networks to promote and sell content showing child sexual abuse, according to a report by Stanford University and the Wall Street Journal. “Large networks of accounts that appear to be operated by minors are openly advertising self-generated child sexual abuse material for sale,” said researchers at the
Meta Platforms’ Instagram, Alphabet’s YouTube, TikTok and Twitter could face regulatory action after European consumer group BEUC complained to the European Commission and consumer authorities that the online platforms allegedly facilitate the misleading promotion of crypto assets. US regulators suing crypto platforms Coinbase and Binance, along with last year’s collapse of FTX, have sparked concerns
WhatsApp on Thursday began letting select organisations try a new feature called “Channels” that lets them broadcast to followers on the popular, Meta-owned messaging service. The debut comes as an array of agencies and organisations grow disenchanted with Elon Musk-owned Twitter in the face of fees, performance problems, and dramatically scaled-back content moderation. Meta described